Gabriele Greco's Home Page

Hi! My name is Gabriele Greco, I'm 24 and I'm studying Electronic Engineering at the university of Genoa. I have a lot of hobbies and I do many computer related stuff, in this space that Tripod gives to me I will try to give as much information as possible about my activities hoping to be useful.

Excuse me for the bad quality of my picture, but I used an old video digitizer (1988). If I found a friend with a good scanner and (more difficulty) a good photo to scan I will substitute this :)

  • Actually the page contains some informations about the following arguments:
  • This is my computer:

    In future the page will also talk about other hobbies I have: Movies, Photography, Heavy Metal, Soccer...
    I have too many hobbies and I can spent with them all the time I would like to...

    Clicka qui per la traduzione in italiano della pagina!, Gabriele Greco, Last updated: Tu Apr 13th 1999