PictureDB 1.0beta (10/12/95)
These are some of the features of PictureDB:
- PictureDB can archive any type of images supported by datatypes
- You can select the dimension of the scaled images.
- There are complex search routines available on the database.
- You can choose to keep your picture database crunched with powerpacker.
- Very powerfull add picture routines (by dir, by date, with
wildcard, single...)
- It works on every screen from 1 to 256 colors, tested also with
graphics cards (I own a Picasso II). It uses display database, can be run
on workbench or (suggested) on a custom (public) screen.
- You can choose the palette at the beginning and then it will be
locked. You can also let picturedb build a balanced palette automatically.
- Actually all the icons must be in chip memory (if you don't own a
graphics card and use MCP with the option NoChipMem tested). This is
not a big limitation provided you use not too big icons...
- Probably the final version will be shareware, and let the database
remain on disk with only few records loaded at a time.
- Actually development is suspended if I receive a sufficent
amount of E-Mail I can resume it :)
- The current version is not limited in any way.
Click here to the last PictureDB version!
gabry@promix.it, Gabriele Greco,
Last updated: Sa Nov 28th 1997